Restaurantlachaudiere15 Mornerouge MartiniqueRestaurantlachaudiere15 Mornerouge Martinique
©Restaurantlachaudiere15 Mornerouge Martinique|MDES
Culinary strollin traditional Creole flavors

Stopover at La Chaudière

Today, after my visit to the Jardin de l’Émeraude, in the heart of the rainforest, I’m stopping for lunch at the restaurant La Chaudière, on the Route de la Trace just before Morne-Rouge in Martinique. You can’t miss it: its facade is red and yellow with a beautiful fresco. Yanic and Gérald Malidor greet me with a big smile in front of the restaurant. We’ve known each other for a long time, and their son is the chef at Le Moulin à Cannes restaurant at the Depaz distillery in Saint-Pierre.

Yanic Malidor

Chef and owner of La Chaudière

A restaurant between tropical garden and river

The restaurant is as neat and welcoming as ever. The two covered terraces open onto the garden (which I’m about to tell you about) and tropical vegetation. The tables are beautifully tableclothed, with lots of flowers and a few touches of madras. It ‘s colorful, sunny and fresh, just like the Creole cuisine I came to taste!

Here, we cook true traditional Creole cuisine

Run for over 28 years by the Malidor family, this restaurant has become a benchmark for vacationers, locals and celebrities visiting the island.

Yanic Malidor, Poto Mitan de la Chaudière

Yanic, how do you explain the undeniable success of La Chaudière?

– I think people love us for our authenticity and simplicity. It’s always been important to me to preserve customs and pass them on. I’m a self-taught woman who loves her island and continues to cook traditional Creole recipes, just as my mother and grandmother did before me. Of course, with Jocelyne, my alter ego in the kitchen, our cooking evolves and our dishes are modernized, but the fundamentals – flavors, taste, cooking, vegetables and spices – are respected. I think that’s what our customers appreciate.

Do you use local producers?

– Of course I do! My childhood dishes were inspired above all by seasonal produce. Meat, fish and vegetables come from the fishermen and farmers of Saint-Pierre and Morne Rouge. And when it comes to spices, herbs and fruit, all I have to do is go down to my garden and pick them! I like my food to smell good, to reflect the richness of our terroir…

What are your customers’ favorite dishes?

– As you know, La Chaudière has a few signature dishes: terrine de lambi, duo de boudins en robe de bananes, balaou frit à la farine de manioc, fricassée d’ouassous ou de gambas au rhum vieux Depaz, duo langouste grillée sauce creole & écrevisses en court-bouillon, roussi de lambi, dombrés de crevettes, pavé de daurade dans sa feuille de nori, and of course colombo de porc mijoté dans le massalé de ” Man Son “.

Alongside these dishes, there are also West Indian desserts: the infinitely varied fine tart (banana, pineapple, mango…) with its little scoop of ice cream, or the communion chocolate, vanilla and chantilly cream cup. Customers love it!

La Chaudière garden

Tell us about your garden

– Ah, my garden! It’s inseparable from the restaurant and our kitchen! Customers love to stroll through it before or after lunch, either on their own or accompanied by my husband Gérard – he’s the one who looks after our vanilla. It’s my little Garden of Eden, and I like to think that it expresses all the richness of Martinique’s soil.

It’s true that this garden with its river is extraordinary ... You can find literally everything here: coffee, vanilla, cocoa, pepper, cinnamon, chillies, medicinal plants, rare fruit trees( “Buddha’s hand”citron, soursop, carambola, and even a spectacular lychee), orchids, tropical flowers…even a spectacular lychee over 10 meters tall), orchids, tropical flowers It’s a must-see, one of the most beautiful private Creole gardens I’ve ever seen!

   A mixed-race lunch just the way I like it

Crispycodfish accras to accompany my ti punch served with a “grand arôme” jelly (it’s rare: normally it’s sugar and lime, but this changes everything!), a vegetarian plate and the communion chocolate dessert. It was perfect!

Thank you Yanic, Jocelyne, Gérard, it’s always a great pleasure to have lunch at La Chaudière!

   Restaurant La Chaudière can organize your wedding, family party or business meeting with a personalized menu.

I like to pass on my knowledge of traditions through my cooking.

Yanic Malidor’s philosophy

We'd like you to do it for us!
