Fricassee of lambi Le Bambou Morne-rouge MartiniqueFricassee of lambi Le Bambou Morne-rouge Martinique
©Fricassee of lambi Le Bambou Morne-rouge Martinique|MDES

Lambi fricassee

A classic of the Creole cuisine...
Preparation20 minutes
Cooking65 minutes


  • 1kg lambi
  • 500g peeled tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 sprigs of civet (country onion)
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 squeezed limes
  • 1 sweet chili pepper
  • 1 hot chili pepper
  • 2 leaves of India wood
  • 3 spoonfuls of oil
  • salt, pepper
  • thyme, parsley, bay leaf


  1. Cut the peeled and cleaned lambi into 1 cm pieces.
  2. Boil for 30mn.
  3. In a pot pour the oil. Add the onions and cives chopped into small cubes and the lambi. Fry for 20mn.
  4. Pour in the peeled tomatoes, add the thyme, parsley, bay leaf and 50cl of water. Cook 15mn.
  5. At the end of cooking, check that the lambi is tender and add the lemon juice, garlic and hot pepper.
  6. Serve with rice and country vegetables.

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