Plage des Raisiniers
in La Trinité
Plage des Raisiniers, located at the entrance to the town of La Trinité on Martinique's Atlantic coast, is a charming seaside spot. This beach, with its white sand, offers a magnificent view over the bay and the islet of Saint-Aubin.
Despite its proximity to the road and a fire station, it remains a popular spot for locals and tourists alike, thanks to its easy parking and attractive natural setting.
Plage des Raisiniers is a versatile spot, perfect for a variety of activities, from aquagym classes to relaxing family time. What's more, it is known as one of the stops on the famous Tour des yoles rondes. -
Situation: At the entrance of Trinité, on the roadside
Type of beach: Medium size
Water: Azure blue
Sand: Fine
Sea: Calm
Vegetation: Shaded
Environment and nearby: Fire station - Saint-Aubin Islet
Facilities: Ideal for sports (aquagym - jogging)
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