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La Caravelle National Nature Reserve
in La Trinité
Explore the Presqu'île de la Caravelle National Nature Reserve, a jewel of biodiversity located on the Tartane peninsula in Trinité, Martinique. Discover its tropical dry forest, mangroves, endemic fauna and hiking trails.
Its classification is based on 3 criteria: the enhancement of diverse landscapes, the conservation of a unique geological heritage, and the protection of exceptional biodiversity.
The Parc Naturel Régional de la Martinique manages and promotes this reserve with a dedicated team of environmental wardens, a curator and other professionals committed to protecting the environment, which is off-limits to domestic animals and drone overflights.
An exceptionally rich natural environment
Since...Its classification is based on 3 criteria: the enhancement of diverse landscapes, the conservation of a unique geological heritage, and the protection of exceptional biodiversity.
The Parc Naturel Régional de la Martinique manages and promotes this reserve with a dedicated team of environmental wardens, a curator and other professionals committed to protecting the environment, which is off-limits to domestic animals and drone overflights.
An exceptionally rich natural environment
Since the 17th century, Martinique's tropical dry forest has paid a heavy price for the development of agriculture and urbanisation. The tip of the Caravelle peninsula has not escaped the partial deforestation associated with sugar cane cultivation and timber exploitation. However, its geographical position and the harshness of its dry climate have spared it from irreversible damage.
After logging was abandoned towards the end of the 18th century, the natural environment gradually returned and the forest began to flourish again. Thanks to the particular shape of its coastline and relief, vegetation has re-colonised the area, giving rise to the current diversity of environments, a remarkable mosaic made up of dry forest, thickets, mangroves, savannahs and cliff flora.
These different environments provide habitats for a large number of species, particularly birds, some of which are endemic to Martinique: the White-throated Mockingbird (Ramphocynclus brachyurus brachyurus) and the Blackbird (Ictérus Bonana).
The Caravelle National Nature Reserve was created in 1976, covering a total area of 388 ha, with the aim of protecting, studying and managing all these specific species.
Today, with more than 150 plant species characteristic of the Lesser Antilles, the nature reserve is a delight for all flora lovers. It offers 2 discovery trails starting from the Château Dubuc, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the ecological wealth and striking landscapes of Martinique.
Discovery trails :
Au départ du château Dubuc, 2 circuits de découverte spécialement aménagés, vers les rivages et vers les crêtes, s’offrent aux visiteurs. Ils favorisent l’interprétation de différents milieux naturels. On y trouve des équipements favorisant l’identification d’une centaine d’espèces ainsi que des éléments d’interprétation permettant de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des écosystèmes (observatoire, caillebotis à travers la mangrove, table d’orientation).
Le petit sentier (parcours durée : 1h30) permet de découvrir la faune et la flore de la forêt sèche et de la mangrove. C’est un sentier sans difficultés particulières et souvent ombragé.
Le grand sentier (parcours durée : 4h30) complète le précédent en présentant la faune et la flore du littoral Atlantique (falaises et savanes), la géologie, mais également des paysages à couper le souffle. (Voir fiche randonnée « La Boucle de la Caravelle »)
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