See photos (6)

Réserve Marine A.Falco (ZRN 2)

Maritime in Le Prêcheur
6.1 km
  • Nature Reserve Zone 2 at Le Prêcheur (ZRN2), to the south of ZPR2, covers an area of 183.2 ha and is bounded to the north by the La Roche / Abymes pontoon site and to the south by Pointe Lamare in Martinique.

  • Rules to be observed in this zone:

    What is prohibited :
    - Motorised pleasure fishing
    - Set lines and jig fishing
    - Underwater hunting
    - Mooring and anchoring outside the APIDs and professional moorings (subject to the future installation of ecological moorings and dedicated mooring buoys).

    What is permitted?
    - Professional fishing.
    - Non-motorised recreational angling (2 lines maximum).
    - Titiri fishing from 1 August to 1 October.

    What you can see:
    - Dense seagrass beds home to...
    Rules to be observed in this zone:

    What is prohibited :
    - Motorised pleasure fishing
    - Set lines and jig fishing
    - Underwater hunting
    - Mooring and anchoring outside the APIDs and professional moorings (subject to the future installation of ecological moorings and dedicated mooring buoys).

    What is permitted?
    - Professional fishing.
    - Non-motorised recreational angling (2 lines maximum).
    - Titiri fishing from 1 August to 1 October.

    What you can see:
    - Dense seagrass beds home to numerous species and an important feeding ground for the Green Turtle, classified as "critically endangered".
    - Coral and sponge communities, home to numerous benthic species and a major feeding ground for the hawksbill turtle
    - Cliffs that are popular for diving and are home to a wide range of biodiversity and marine mammals

    - More than 90 species of fish, including rare heritage species and/or those classified as "vulnerable" or "near-threatened", such as the Capitaine, the Sorbe, the Vierge gueule jaune, the Baliste royal, the Pagre dispo, the Raie leopard and the Poisson lune.
    - The Pointe Lamare, Les Charmeuses and Babody sites are home to maximum biodiversity in their atypical and sumptuous canyons.

    - Bird species including the Superb Frigate, the Brown Noddy, the Bridled Tern, the Grey Pelican...
    - The town of Le Prêcheur, with its pillarless suspension bridge, an architectural feat held up by a single aerial arch to protect the town from the lahars of Montagne Pelée and designed to withstand winds of 250 km/h.
  • Departure
    Le Prêcheur
  • Difference in height
    9.04 m
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
Points of interest
9 meters of difference in height
  • Start altitude : 10 m
  • End altitude : 9 m
  • Maximum altitude : 10 m
  • Total positive elevation : 9 m
  • Total negative elevation : -10 m
  • Max positive elevation : 9 m
  • Min positive elevation : -9 m
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